Isleworth, or once Gistelworde
In the survey of Doomsday, this place is called Gistelworde, in subsequent ancient records for some centuries, uniformly Istelworth; and afterwards occasionally Istleworth. About Queen Elizabeth’s time, it was commonly in conversation, and sometimes in records, called Thistleworth, which name was much in use in the early part of the present century, and is now not wholly disused. In parochial and other writings, however, it has been uniformly spelt Isleworth for more than a century; the pronunciation is very various. Skinner’s derivation of Islington, from Gisel a hostage, and tun a town, might more justly, with the alteration of tun for worth a village, be applied to this place; for it does not appear that Islington in any ancient record is called Giselton, or Gistelton, but Isendune. As to the real fact in either place, there is nothing recorded in history to justify the conjecture.
The most general idea of its derivation has been suggested by the modern name Isle-worth, but I think that the constant usage of Istelworth for so many centuries leads one to seek for some other etymology, though perhaps it might be difficult to find one which would be entirely satisfactory.
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EasyClear are a fully insured, licensed and a highly experienced house clearance company. We provide an environmentally sensitive service where we recycle and re-use where ever possible. Where that isn’t possible we ensure that we dispose of your rubbish legitamately and carefully.
We operate locally in Isleworth providing house clearance, garden clearance and a full range of contract service for offices and businesses. We offer a worry free contents appraisel which includes professional valuation of antiques, quality collectables and second hand furniture.
Understanding our customer needs and what the customer expects in order to provide the very best bespoke service, has made EasyClear the outstanding clearance provider. With our Isleworth house clearance and rubbish removal, EasyClear has a reputation for strong business ethics, combined with an awareness of today’s customers needs.
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